Borough Committees

The Council President appoints chairpersons of any particular committee. The Chairman is the key person for their respective appointed committee. However, the Borough Council meets as a whole on the third Monday of each Month.

Other Boards and Commissions provide an opportunity for residents to become active in their community. They typically provide recommendations to the Borough Council, assisting them in enacting or amending legislation. Members of these boards and commissions serve on a volunteer basis.

The President of Borough Council shall serve as a member Ex-officio of all committees and shall receive notice of any and all meetings. The Mayor will be notified of all committee and other meetings of Council and will be invited to participate.

Council Committee Appointments:


Kevin Miller, Chair

Robert Whyland

Peter A. Lombardi

Duties include: Employee Relations

General Government

Darrell Ledford, Chair

Phil Klocek

Duties include: Administration, Budget and Finance, Tax Collection and Municipal Buildings

Persons and Property

Peter Lombardi, Chair

        Kristina Ruby

Duties include: Police, Civil Preparedness, Planning & Zoning

Health and Sanitation

Phil Klocek, Chair

        Darrell Ledford

Duties include: General Health Services and Refuse Collection Disposal


Robert Whyland, Chair

        Peter Lombardi

Tyler White

Duties include: Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks, Curbs and Stormwater


Kevin March, Chair

       Robert Whyland

Duties include: Sanitary Sewer

Community Services

Kristina Ruby, Chair

Phil Klocek

       Kevin March

Duties include: Recreation, Shade Trees, Library, V.N.A. and Special Services